Tuesday, April 8, 2008

todays etsy finds

So dead so cute! Dead dolls from Zombunny. 
This little guy is from The shadow cat. Her dolls are so unique. 
I love them! Look he's singing his hart out!
 http:// www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5701189

I found this little elephant print in Hatin on spiders
She has many other cute items in her shop too. 

Big move

Yesterday I had a critique in one of the etsy forums. They told me it might be a good idea to have my user name match my shop name. In order to do that you need to open a new shop and transfer everything from the first shop to the new one. Also you loose all your convos and sadly all your harts. I spent a good 3 hours moving and setting up again. Whew! I think it will be worth it though. Having a matching user name and shop name will make things less confusing for my customers and my name will be easier to remember. My new shop is named A rabbit girl.
You can link to it from here with the etsy link to the right of this page.